Sunday, 31 May 2015

Student Centered Leadership- Leading teacher learning and development

Chapter 6

Public expectation for higher standards and accountability will always be a driving force in education. From the stance that this is a perfectly acceptable expectation as it is every child's right to a great education, then this is a good thing. However from the political machinations that this expectation will evolve, it is more a negative impact.
 "for every increment of performance I require of you, I have a responsibility to provide you with the additional capacity to produce that performance" 
Elmore, 2004

Or ' doing the work with learning how to improve the work'

Key questions
What kinds of PLD create the biggest shift in teacher practice?

what type of learning organisation and teacher culture supports this shared and sustained focus on improvement?

Leadership of teacher learning

Promoting and participating in teacher learning has a huge impact (0.84) - by this leadership it is meant that it is beyond just resourcing and organising systems for pld.

Why is this such a big impact?

Symbolic importance-

  • Leaders are modelling student focused dialogue- by which I mean the leaders are happy to give up their time in order to discuss and focus on learners as a top priority in the school. Because of this modeled attitude teachers feel that giving extra is a natural part and are willing to give more
  • Professional dialogue highlights leaders understanding of the concepts, vocabulary and pedagogical development of teacher practice and needs contextualised to learners in their class
  • having the above gives leaders first hand feeling for the challenges, conditions and capabilities that surround the complex world of teaching and learning for their teachers. This experience means that leaders can setup systems and learning spaces to ensure that the teachers can access PLD that meets their needs, in order to address the needs of their learners.

Extent to which teachers identified leader as a friend did not have an impact on how successful this leadership dimension was:) 

Teacher Learning as a collective endeavor

This is the village to raise a child concept and in our team it is a prevalent form of teacher learning. However this collective endeavor to be learners to support our learners, needs certain parameters to succeed:

  • all need to have student achievement at the center
  • all need to have a growth ( not deficit) mindset about practice
  • all need to be able to honestly dialogue their own abilities and needs
Teacher learning as a collective endeavor build instructional programme coherence. By which is meant that as teachers we dialogue about our teaching, how we teach, what we teach, what is and isn't effective and by doing so we raise a shared understanding of our teaching and learning. This allows us to be able to give and receive feedback from colleagues centered on our shared vision of what is successful practice.
This Professional Learning Community ( PLC) concept for a collective endeavor means that as teachers we all share responsibility for our learners and all other learners in the school...including our learner colleagues.
If we as teachers know that we can access support and expertise from our colleagues and value this as a support then we are more likely to be open about our needs as learners ourselves.

Chery Doig's community engagement parallels our engagement with our teachers as leaders

Community Engagement L@S from Cheryl Doig

Creating a climate for improvement

Non-negotiable we agree on that underpin things we agree are very important for us as an SLT to have as a goal

How resolute am I as a leader to creating expectations for continuous improvement in practice?

Do I keep a focus on continuous improvement for learners? ( not sticking with compliance)

Do I provide time, space, dispensation for innovation and support risk taking?

Engaging Teachers' theory of Action

To get change we as an SLT need to engage our theory of action with the teachers theory of action about changes that need to happen based on data. To engage our ideals with our teachers ideals then we need to have strong relational trust and then we need to surface the thinking of ourselves and our teachers around the change we can see that needs to happen . This requires us as an slt to ask questions that are always based on the data- So what are you going to do to change this? What else do you think you could do?

By doing this we are creating a shared vision for what we believe and then we can agree to try something as a way to create change in our practice that is based on evidence

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Vpld hui 2015 day 2...

Thoughts from the day

Creative writing using multi ways to write
Minecraft world
Game creation that tells the story
Online presentations
Great creation of student agency
New tool to use was aurasma

MLE or MLP... What came first... The chicken or the egg?
Really great storytelling from

Really resonate with the elements on creating growth mindset in teachers 

Education on Air Highlight Reel. May 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Weaving evidence, inquiry and standards chapter six

What impact does this chapter have on me as a teacher and as a leader?
What systems change need to happen in order to create the conditions for changes in practice to become a school culture?

Timperley and parr state that

Knowing what the pattern of information obtained from assessment which then feeds learning design requires a deep understanding of the content and processes around it- I take this as the relationship between AfL/ learning and agency
These capabilities are the traits of a highly skilled practitioner displaying adaptive expertise 
They point out the disparity between the anecdotal reflections teachers make on their learners and the actual instructional design they create which purports to meet these needs
When reflecting on this I believe we as leaders need to be asking continual questions about learners. I know we do this to varying levels. However for myself I know I need to dig even deeper when discussing students and learning, with questions like ' how do you know what you did was effective?' 
This is us modelling and building evaluative capabity in our teachers and ourselves

They then go on to discuss how we need to agree as a community of practitioners what the valued outcomes for students are- what the gaps in their learning are and how we believe we address these
However it is deeper even than that- we need the students to also know what their learning needs are and how they will address these
There is also a part to play from whanau in this relationship

The diagnostic tools need to directly relate to and inform the agreed outcomes so that the evidence gathered is rich and meaningful to the progress of the learner and also clearly supports the teachers to decide if they have the expertise to address these gaps
This then leads to us as a leadership providing the systems in our learning organisation which provide teachers with the pld opportunities that will build their adaptive expertise. Which in itself is the end game of teaching as inquiry

Student owned goals

What do we need to do in order to increase this across the school

Looking at the features of the assessment and goal setting chapter would be a good scaffold to share with our teams

At present learning goals are presented and students are beginning to understand

Vpld2015 Hui

Luxuriating in being in a room full of amazing people who share my mindset and value the same things

Ideas I resonate with...

Flow Channel to support learners to take ownership

Looking at innovation as a focus for learning 

Learner agency 
This is only developed by true understanding of AfL and passing the locus of control to our learners. Empowering them to own their learning and direct how they want to learn the next steps needed, in whatever way suits them.
As leaders we need to allow our teachers the same by creating systems within our learning organisation that promote and support this innovation and creating the conditions for success

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

One inquiry question from many!

How does self selected, flexible pld routes raise growth mindset, increase adaptive expertise, and promote collaboration in order to increase student achievement? 

Friday, 22 May 2015

Building teacher capability using learning videos and Google sites

Part of the structure that is working well to support teachers as they build their pedagogical knowledge of elearning and the various tools they need to apply this is the use of learning videos embedded into a teacher site

This streamlines the process of learning new skills and provides pld that can be accessed anywhere anytime in order to ensure that we are all working 'smart'

It also streamlines my time by allowing me to build a bank of support that means I only need to provide certain skills then becomes teacher directed to access these skills:)