Tuesday, 17 November 2015

ELN 2015

Reflecting on the journey during 2015 with the Eastern Learning Network with the focus on teachers as inquirers.

As a cluster of schools there has been a big focus on how to engage effectively with teaching as inquiry- from a teacher perspective and as a leadership. Through the year there has been facilitators from AUT supporting and guiding thinking, along with Maggie Ogram.
towards the end of term 3 a survey was constructed, with the input from leaders and teachers from the participating schools. This survey was then created and put out to the teachers and leaders from the schools in order to gather data around MLP and the development of this and also teaching as inquiry.

In term 4 the facilitators from AUT collated and analysed the data to give feedback to our schools that help us to see where we are and what gaps we have. This has given us the information we need as a cluster and as individual schools in order to align our resourcing and PLD in order to build these areas on into 2016.

Of all the areas of data there are some that are not surprising, for example -time- an ongoing battle for all schools to provide their teachers with enough time to engage in pld that impacts positively with their practice.

And some that are areas that either fall above or below the predicted levels given our school's journey and where we are on that journey. For example, the extent to which the collaborative inquiry has enhanced collaboration and capacity to reflect is high and the happiness with their appraisal process is lower than is being espoused within the school grounds.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

New Entrant ownership of learning

so proud of our new entrant classes they have only been at school for a tiny amount of time yet they are already able to take ownership of their learning

This week marks 10 weeks at school for some and they selected a perfect goal to work on for their writing. who says that young children can't own their own learning!

they also love to use show me to talk about their maths learning and easy blogger to share...though I may actually have to set some rules about what they can video and share with this tool!!

room 1 are amazing- check them out:)