Monday 10 March 2014

2014 managing expectations

As the year begins I am already struggling to work out how to manage all the expectations that surround my role. These are trifold- the expectations of me as a leader, in maths, elearning, ICT and for the senior school; The expectations of me in my class, which should be my first priority, but often becomes a second! and also the expectations I put on myself to achieve in these roles. This one is I think the trickiest. As I have a terrible tendencey to become quite over achieving and will push myself to my limit in order to try and get everything done as perfectly as I can. This then impacts on my health and more importantly on the expectation I haven't even mentioned here- that my family, quite rightly should come first! 
I think some steps to work out managing these should help!
So I will try to
1, create action plans for all the different roles I manage and then priorotise these.
2, Try and organise a schedule for my week that only deals with the top of each actionplan for that week, hopefully thereby allowing more time for me and my family
3, try and let go of somethings and allow that other people can do may not feel perfect, but will probably still do the job!
4, review this in 4 weeks

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